FREE Drum Lessons!!
Our FREEdrum lessons are now available for download in PDF format and we will be adding a new one every few weeks. Our lessons range from beginners to advanced with something for everyone, if you have any specific requests for a lesson (e.g. Punk Fills, Latin, Jazz etc) drop us a note here to let us know. We are currently offering Crashing Off the Beat , a note value chart , accented semi quavers and our first drum jam track is now available to download. Please remember that ALL our drum lesson are completely and utterly free(that includes using for teaching*), so you've got absolutely nothing to lose.
Our latest FREE Download
A FREE click track to practice along to. It's 5 minutes long, and the temp varies, so it's an amazingly effective practice tool for your rudiments or time keeping. Do this 2-3 times a week and both your speed and technique is pretty much guaranteed to improve. It's available to download as an MP3, click through HERE!!!
Don't forget to sign up to our DRUM NEWSLETTERto keep up to date on our latest developments. Click to sign up!!
Our writers are working very hard at the moment to provide some excellent teaching materials for drum teachers all around the world. We are always very happy to hear from our readers/teachers so why not join the forum and kick off a new topic on almost anything.
Over the next few months we will be launching a number of products including free online drum lessons, video tuition and some very special features we're keeping under our hats for now. We'll be covering some of the most popular styles including rock drum lessons, jazz, swing, latin, blues and much much more.
With many years of experience of playing and teaching drums, our writers have taught many students with great success. If you're a drum teacher make sure you check out the free lessons and free teaching material for drums. Our latest lesson, "Note values" is an excellent way to illustrate the relative note value differences, it's free so why not download it today.
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Our intention is to provide plenty of free material which will help both budding & experienced drummers to expand their playing and improve outside of normal lessons. We understand that learning drums with a teacher is immensely important which is why we'll also be providing material educators around the world. These will include structured lesson plans that you can print off for free(as long as you retain the copyright notice) and should allow you to spend more time with your students during the lesson.
Hands up how many people have been taught with hand written lessons that have been photocopies a thousand times? Tired of trying to figure out whether that crotchet is really dotted or is just a coffee stain? Download some of our free lessons today! Our first free lesson is now available by click on the red star to the left of the page. If you're ever wanted to learn how to "Crash Off The Beat" check out our lesson today.
If you're looking for advice on recording drums and all other kinds of recording advice check out this High End Recording site. We're also just about to launch a brand new site aimed at session drummers and drum clinics. It's still being built, but we're very excited as we have some great new features lined up.

| All Images/Content © www.DrumLesson.co.uk
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Advanced Jazz Drum Lessons - ...essonsDo you want to learn to play some jazz? Check out our lessons on this page and let us know if ...